Collect for the Go Forward Campaign

Ever Gracious God, we thank you for the many gifts of abundant life we have in you. We especially thank you for the life and ministries shared these past 50 years and those that we may yet nurture with You as the Episcopal Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast: for our triumphs, trials and tragedies and for the shared memories that have led us into community and communion with you and each other.

As we set our faces and fix our hearts toward our future, weave this Capital Campaign into your Kingdom legacy in this diocese and consecrate that which is given and received to your glory.

Stir up your Holy Spirit within us that we may be advocates of your mercy and love to the people in our communities. Strengthen the bonds of community between us that we may be seen and known as disciples of your Beloved Community. Keep us ever mindful of your vision as we move forward in sowing seeds now and in the generation of saints to come. Of all we ask, of all we long for, we do so in the hope and promise of Christ our Lord.


A Litany for the Go Forward Campaign

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Ever Gracious God, we give thanks for your love that creates, redeems and sanctifies us as your body in this world.  We especially thank you for the gift of each of these 50 years as the Episcopal Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast: for our triumphs, trials and tragedies, the shared memories that have led us into community and communion with you and each other.

We remember and celebrate your faithfulness, O Lord.

As we set our faces and fix our hearts for the next 50 years, we recognize that our work is not yet done. Therefore, we ask you to make fruitful our Diocesan Capital Campaign in these ways:

Give us generous and compassionate hearts to commit fully to this holy work and to keep your Kingdom dream at the center of our vision for this Diocese.

Help us to be a tender-hearted people, O Lord.

Infuse us with the light of your love so that we will pull together in confidence, courage and hope, bound ever closer as disciples who model our lives after your example of self-giving love.

Bind our hearts selflessly to You, O Lord.

Empower within us your Holy Spirit so we may be advocates and witnesses of your Gospel especially to those who stand in most need among us.

Revive in us a hunger for justice and mercy, O Lord.

Stir in us a desire to contribute to a creative and faithful legacy for those who will come after us in the communion of saints.

Restore in us a steadfast spirit, O Lord.

 Teach us to trust your provision in all that we do, taking away our fear of scarcity or inadequacy so that we may be truly open hearing the ideas and needs of our donors and recipients.

Give us bold dreams, O Lord.

Guide us to a humble and responsible stewardship, honoring each gift given as an outward sign of your grace, trusting you to make more of our offerings than we could ever imagine.

Sanctify us as your servants, O Lord.

As we go forward, bless this Capital Campaign to be a blessing to others. May our words and deeds lead others to a relationship with you, and bring honor and glory to your Holy name. 

Of all we ask, of all we long for, we do so in the hope and promise of Christ our Lord. Amen.